My name's Leighna Lariosa and I'm Common Grace's most recent intern. So far, my experiences have been wonderful. Common Grace allows me to expand my creativity in almost any way that I want. I deal with the social media, communications, and I have even published a drawing that I did! I'm learning so much as I go. All while doing this, I know that I'm helping lonely children.
This is my first semester mentoring. I've had three sessions so far and I absolutely adore my mentee. Her name is Kira and she's in the 4th grade. On the first day, I discovered that she likes many of the things that I enjoy doing myself--painting, soccer, drawing, reading fantasy, and of course daydreaming when we aren't supposed to be. I am reminded of myself as a child when I am with her so we get along just fine. I can't help but think we met for a reason. Each session we plan out what fun things to do for the next week and maybe not so fun things, like review her homework (it's actually kind of hard to me...last week she was learning about compound predicates).
I've only seen her three times so far, but I can't wait for next week. In the future, I hope to take her out
to a soccer game or a movie, and she can be a little sister to me.